Questions to Ask Tarot


General Guidance

  1. What do I need to know right now?

  2. What do I need to let go of?

  3. What should I be embracing more of?

  4. What am I missing most from my life?

  5. What card represents how Iā€™m feeling right now?

  6. What are my strengths?

  7. What are my weaknesses?

Career and Finance

  1. What do I need to know about my job right now?

  2. What steps do I need to take to advance in my career?

  3. If I stay at this job, what can I expect?

  4. If I leave this job, what can I expect?

  5. How can I be a better leader or manager at my job?

  6. What will this business opportunity or investment bring me?

  7. Why am I experiencing imposter syndrome?

  8. If I take this job, what will my day to day look like?

  9. How can I do to achieve financial security?

  10. What is something I need to learn about money?

Love and Relationship

  1. What card represents my relationship or pregnancy?

  2. How can I be better prepared for a new relationship or pregnancy?

  3. What challenges can I expect from this relationship or pregnancy?

  4. If I stay in this relationship, what can I expect?

  5. If I leave this relationship, what can I expect?

  6. What will I learn from this relationship or from being a parent?

  7. What do I value most about my partner?

  8. What do I struggle with most about my partner?

  9. What past behavior do I need to change to be a better partner or parent?

  10. How can I better serve my partner, family, or baby?

Health and Wellness

  1. What can I expect of my health over the next week, month, or year?

  2. What steps can I take to improve my physical or mental health?

  3. What is at the core of my burnout or fatigue?

  4. What is my body trying to tell me?

  5. What part of me needs attention or needs to heal?


  1. How can I grow from this trauma?

  2. In what way can I be a better ally?

  3. What I can do to support [this person], [this event], or [this organization]?

  4. What is one activity I can do to better improve my [hard or soft skill]?


  1. What is my true calling or higher purpose?

  2. What soul work am I being called to do?

  3. What part of this dream I had do I need to pay attention to?

  4. What lesson from a past life have I brought over into this life?

  5. What message or reminder does my spirit guide have for me during this time?